Once the disease is present it may harbor in the tree indefinitely. Fire blight is most common and severe on apple/crabapple (Malus) and pear (Pyrus). Fire blight is a bacterial disease, and is one of the worst diseases of pears and apples, since it is capable of killing trees of susceptible varieties. Trees are especially at risk if a freeze occurs after they have begun to bloom. Warm and moist conditions are ideal for this disease to spread.

The most noticeable symptom is the sudden. It can eventually causes fruit loss, destruction of limbs, canopy loss and death of the tree. Apples, crabapples and pears are susceptible in spring to a bacterial disease known as fire blight (fireblight). A tree touched by Fire Blight looks as though part of it was sprinkled with fire. Jddlang It‘s the time of year where I am once again getting questions about apple and crabapple trees with dead branches. You will see small black cankers on the stems of infected branches and the leaves will turn brown and wilt on the tree. Fire Blight has a magic-sounding name for its mystical looking appearance. Tags Firebird® Crabapple Malus sargentii ‘Select A’ PP12,621 Description & Overview A Johnson’s Nursery origination J.N. Bees will also be attracted to the sap and spread the bacteria to the flowers. Therefore, irrigate to prevent drought stress. It is caused by a bacteria ( Erwinia amylovora) that is spread when sap containing the bacterium oozes from dead cankers during rainy spring weather and when it is blown to nearby trees or drips onto branches below. Trees most susceptible are those under drought stress. It is most often found in Apple, Pear and Crabapple tree (members of the Rosaceae family). Fire Blight is the most damaging bacterial disease affecting trees and shrubs.